So quite a bit has changed in the last while. I've sorted out my job situation since my last post. Things didn't look very promising at the start and it seemed like the 'oh, and we'll need you to work on the floor etc a small amount of the time' part of the job was going to be nearly all of the job. Thankfully after a brief chat with the boss I've returned to doing mostly online/marketing/social media work, or in other words, what the job advertisement asked for.
We've moved into our new apartment which is just around the corner from Stanley Park and English Bay.
Stanley Park Seawall - A warmer, bigger version of the Salthill Prom, with a national park attached to it |
English Bay - A warmer version of any Irish beach ever |
Instead of jogging along a freezing Salthill prom or in the gym in the Cloonfad Scenic Walks, I now jog around the seawall in Stanley Park. I'm trying to enjoy being outside as much as I can because come September the weather is meant to turn for the worst and this might limit us, but we'll see.
There are still occasional bouts of homesickness and lonliness but for the most part we've been too busy lately. It's coming up to 10.30 pm and I'm pretty happy to go to bed soon! There are lots of things and people I miss, but we're trying to seize this adventure while we can. (Did I just type that? I must be getting tired).
The Canadian people are polite to the point of boring at times. We miss the Irish sense of humour (making fun of yourself, your peers and everyone around you) but when thousands of people can gather for the outdoor cinema without any trouble it makes you think about the gobshitery that goes on at home at outdoor social events! 200,000 people are on the streets every few nights this week for a fireworks festival. We've heard of trouble at previous events but have yet to see anything more dangerous than a woman cycling against the tide of people. And she was soon stopped by police..politely..
So, here's to enjoying this and trying not to let Irish pessimism (sure there'll be no work after a while and it'll be lashing rain, like) seep in.
Sure they'll be snow after awhile and ull probably be eaten by bears....