Thursday, July 12, 2012

North America has the best bad TV: Punk Payback with Bas Rutten

I don't have an inferiority complex so I don't watch UFC, but I hear it's a big deal amongst dudes who used to watch wrestling but want something less fruity. Bas Rutten is apparently a charismatic ex-UFC fighter-man who has turned his meaty hands to giving non-police force approved self defence advice.

..and some idiots try to teach, right?!

If his silly accent, stumbling deliveries and bad jokes aren't enough, the situations and solutions he presents are ridiculous. Here's how it works:

  1. Bas introduces some CCTV footage of some poor sod getting car-jacked/robbed/mugged etc
  2. A SCARY THINGS ARE HAPPENING voice-over guy gives a play by play account of the beatdown 
  3. Bas also explains what is going wrong for the victim
  4. 'Here's what I'd do in this situation'
What I was hoping for was footage of Bas running out to interrupt the crime and lay the smackdown, but instead he has actors reconstruct the events and he instructs you how to defend yourself in a variety of impractical way. Boo. 

"Bas Rutten on how to turn arm robbery into a 2nd degree homocide"

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