Flyover Canada, which was over too soon, kind of expensive, but was amazing for the eight minutes or so of the actual flyover part. We also got the cheesiest photo of all time, which we quickly snapped with a camera phone, instead of paying for. No regrets. Except maybe keeping the sunglasses on.
Seattle for The Book of Mormon (a comedy musical by the creators of South Park)
Check out the weird, black shadowy line around my neck, that had me freaked out when I saw this photo |
Post aka Ghost Alley in Seattle, where several buildings are covered in chewing/bubble gum and this is a tourist attraction for some reason.
All of those people are taking photos in front of a gum walled building |
Seattle waterfront on a rare sunny day. 'Merica!
Sunset on the beach before the Outdoor Cinema in Stanley Park
Fireworks at English Bay