Thursday, April 11, 2013

An update on the lack of updates

I have a new job and I’ve been working more hours at my part time job. At time of writing, it is day 11 in a row of work.

We’re still busy in the evenings with other stuff – gigs, general chores, cinema etc

My phone has been out of commission for the past week or so. As it has replaced my camera as a means to take and store photos, I had nothing to put up here (photo-wise). Thankfully it is now fixed.

I’m off this Saturday but going to a football match, then going to see another gig.

We’re going to LA for a week after that.

So, yeah. You might have to hang tight on updates.

I do however have a series of posts scheduled on my other blog Good Days And Cliches.

Thank you.

Good night.

God Bless America.